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2 2 The Lowdown on Broken Hope
by † Karma †
Sept 16, 2006 19:22:00 GMT
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Sub-boards: Accepted Profiles, Declined Profiles, Congratulations on your new Baby, Adoption Centre

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Broken Hope Wolf Pack

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No New Posts Broken Hope

The main part of the territory of Broken Hope, this land is quite the beautiful place- but a heart-breaking beauty; a tale of a long-past love.

For, the beautiful forestry is host to more than just wolves and their prey- evil lurks within every shadow, waiting, silent, ready to pounce on the unsuspecting, who stumble and fall prey to the demons of the night. Shadows are plentiful here; with only patches of light piercing the thick canopy overhead. Leaves lie underfoot, crunching and crackling with every step that is taken- no matter whether the creature is a wolf, or otherwise. This place seems so very cut-off from the rest of the world that many who lose their way oft become insane before they manage to get back out- if they even do, that is. This beautiful, yet deadly, forest is also host to the most important areas of the territory; places such as the winter food store, and the dens for the packmembers here.

But beware- if you get lost in here, it is doubtful you will get to your destination with your sanity intact...

Moderator: † Karma †

Sub-boards: Les Alphas' Caverns, Caves des Betas', Les Tunnels Des Subordinates, Les Petits Tunnels, Le Meeting Secteur, Storage de Food

1 20
No New Posts Mystique Lake

Mystique Lake is more than what it sounds like- for this place is the true beauty of the Broken Hope packlands. The area is connected directly with the main forestry- 'tis, in fact, positioned just to the left of the main area; come out on the eastern side of the forest, and you will find yourself here. This area, Mystique Lake, is a collection of water and rock structures actually; a perfectly-round lake that measures at least a mile in every direction, with large rocks hanging over the water; allowing for wolves to run along the rock structures, and leap from the rocks into the water. In the middle of the lake, is a naturally-made statue; that the elements themselves have created. Rather than continuing the evil lurking around the main area of these packlands, this area's beauty is pure and sweet; with the air as light as a feather- air that most describe as fragranced, also. This is most likely due to the statue in the center of the lake- for it is said that it holds magic properties, and the fact that it is a statue of a winged angel wolf doesn't hurt rumours at all.

Moderator: † Karma †

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No New Posts Wraith Village

The ruins of an ancient village mark the end of the Broken Hope territory- for these ruins can be found to the right of the Mystique Lake. Feral dogs and cats roam this area, as well as wolves- both from the pack, and trespassers who are simply scavenging; as rabbits and the likes run amok here, making hunting in this particular area quite easy; if you can avoid running headlong into the ruins of a house; as many stones and bricks litter the area, as well as roof-tiles and the remains of a structures' walls, also.

Altogether, it isn't the nicest of places to be at, as the stench of humans does still hang in the air, but the prey is plentiful- if you can avoid the spirits of the humans who's graves have been disturbed, thus giving the ruined village its name- for spirits and wraiths roam freely also; and can prove quite disastrous to the health of wolves, in particular, though the feral animals inhabiting this area no longer give the spirits more than just a fleeting glance.

Moderator: † Karma †

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Twisted Reality Wolf Pack

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This is the main clearing of Twisted Reality, the dens and such are found here. The clearing at first point of view is rounded off in sharp almost pointed trees, the leaves that fall from they sliced into razor sharp spikes. It is true that the place is over taken by some demonic force of some kind, the whole place wreaks of darkness and chaos. Just like the wolf who takes power over it. Havoc keeps her grand land in shape, it is true that she strung up random bodies of Light wolves over the boarder lines just to keep the sickening wolves who think them selves on the side of pure away. The soil in the place is black, almost like charcoal. There is the occasional splash of blood hear and there where a wolf had been mercilessly killed or food been eaten though nothing too tatty.

Moderator: - Chii

Sub-board: Alpha's Den

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No New Posts Razor Forest

The name Razor Forest comes from the thorns that laces it, each and every inch of free land if covered in the sharp tearing objects. Any one could place it as a territory Havoc would have. It is a place just ripe with the stench of dead and lone darkness. Only wolves who are bitter of heart seem to be able to get through here with out the simples of scratches. It is rumored that the thorns are attracted to pure creatures. The forest it self is emerged in total darkness. This being because of how tight the top branches of the trees entwine, not allowing any form of light to even creep in. The floor is also covered in a thick choking mist, colored in a deep lead grey. They mask the thorns that will occasionally brake across the forest floor. The Queen of Chaos herself seems to be the only one who has mastered not getting hurt.

Moderator: - Chii

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No New Posts Chaos Waters

This waters do live up to their name. The long river snakes it chaotic tongue over various parts of Havocs territory stretching from one end to another. The water is constantly running with rapids, this and sharp currents of water that would carry a pup away faster than one could scream 'help'. Jagged rocks pop up now and then, tearing there way out from the glassy sheet of water. Another eye catching feature of the chaotic waters is the grand waterfall that comes out from the equally jagged cliffs. It sends a light foam up in the water and add a little more speed to it. A rumor also goes that a den is inside the waterfall, a grand den that darkness itself seems to have spit out. It is thought that Havoc and her only true love would be able to enter to conceive pups.

Moderator: - Chii

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Tainted Dreams Wolf Pack

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The valley of Tainted Dreams.... if a bird were to fly over the towering peaks of the mountains and lurch further and further towards the sky, it would see that the might mountains formed a perfect, protective ring, sheltering and guarding the deep valley within. The bird would also see that the valley is split neatly in two by a snaking river. The Eastern side of the river bears a forest too dense to make out the individual trees. If the trees of Nior Forest had not been there, many many large dens and storage places would be found, the ground writhing with life, insects and bug housed in the mud, small mammals dancing among the shafts of light and larger creatures finding their place between the trees. The canopy of these trees cast a constant green glow apon the forest floor, so that the land there always seems so peaceful, so quiet and so calm. A wolf would find itself unable to talk too loudly for fear of damaging the perfect atmosphere.

If the bird was to fly west, over the roaring river, it would find itself in a shockingly different scene indeed. A meadow, and one so wild and so natural that the bird finds itself longing to fly down at that instant and nestle among the many wild flowers. Though the bird would not know it, the meadow is called Mieur Meadow, meaning "Meadow of Eternity", for the flowers will never fade, their healing properties living forever, or until they are plucked from their roots. They will snake up any creatures legs, for the plants in Mieur seem to have minds of their own, much to the joy of the hoards of herbivores who come to feed from the lush, deep green grass there. This, in turn, keeps the carnivores content, and so nature's cycle is held in a firm hand, and enriched by the elegance of the Living Meadow.

The valley became known as the resting place of angels, which was not far off from the truth, as the wolf who laid claim 'pon the lands spread her angelic ways around the lands, drawn by the colours and the aromas, never intending to make a pack, but to end her

Moderator: *{Faith}*

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No New Posts Lohika

The Land by the Lake stretches far as the eye can see, it's rocky ground hard and always cold underfoot, never to be warmed by the sun. The stone is set with Fool's Gold, a natural glimmering powder, shining and glittering in the sun as it dies and falls down the sky, and in the moon as it sheds its liquid silver 'pon the wolves below. Dead in the middle of this vast, bland place is a single ring of standing stones, resembling stone henge, rocks leaning against eachother, some resting on top of one another in arches, others just standing tall and casting their shadows apon the sparkling grounds, glittering softly themselves. This is a place wraithed in something mysterious, and yet somehow Holy, though no wolf has ever placed a paw on exactly what the stones meant, preferring simply to stand among the stones and behold their magnificence and power. The word Lohika is in an angelic tongue, meaning "Barren Purity", for that is exactly what the land seems to be, as though there are caves a plenty, only three trees stand. Lake Benita is set as the trees of the forest at the far end cease, and is known to have water as dark blue as a twilight sky and waters always warm, in contrast to the land around it. Many a wolf have swum in its waters, which is deeper than almost any lake for hundreds of miles around, though it is not remarkably large. Its waters are always still, like it was made of glass, and ripples have never been cast around its surface, splashes only small and sudden.

Lohika, Barren Purity, is a place for peace and for solace, for wolves finding comfort in themselves and who believe they are loved when they are completely by themselves alone, to dwell in thoughts and dreams. Dreams tainted only by the waters of Benita ... and the sparkling gold of Lohika's stone.

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Falling Dusk Wolf Pack

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No New Posts Falling Dusk

Soft winds blow through the lands of perpetual twilight, cooling the inhabitants. The sky above, tinted with the colors of the setting sun, is a glorious sight to behold. The cries of the wolves who live 'pon this land can be heard when the skies finally dim, signalling the begin of the nighttime hours. Hidden within an evergreen forest lies the main caverns of the Falling Dusk packlands, consisting of average sized dens and food shelters. Throughout the day time, the area seems almost desolate. When the sun begins it's final descent, though, the lands swarm with the activity of the hunting. Venison often mistake the cool forests as a refuge from predators, allowing those within to daily experience the glory of the hunt. Wolven creatures thrive within this hidden plain, hiding in the shadows of the dusk.

In the center of the wood lies a large clearing. A circular path travels the outer area of the clearing, connecting four dens, used for privacy.

Within this circle, meadows surround five other caverns, lying in the formation of a star. The northernmost one, called the Concursion Expanse, is the largest inside Falling Dusk boundaries. The western point is called the Crux of Vitality. It is the only guaranteed food shelter inside the main packlands, though there are other, smaller ones. The southwest point of the star is a cavern called the Whelp's Lodge. It is a medium sized den, used as a form of a daycare center. The eastern and southeastern points are the Alpha and Beta caverns, respectively.

Though it is not noticable from the ground, the main area of the Falling Dusk lands are in an odd formation. The four outlying caverns and the center five form an exact pentacle.

Moderator: Reiyn the Kitty

Sub-boards: Alphen Haunt, Beta's Atelier, Whelp's Lodge, Concursion Expanse, Crux of Vitality, Exoteric Realm

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No New Posts The Rivulet Sanctuary

The clear, fast-flowing waters of the river are hidden within a rock formation, deep inside the Falling Dusk lands. They are near inaccesable, except to the brave - or the foolish. The waters flow into a lake where the cold granite cliffs end. Few dare to venture far into the lake, for its great width has caused the deaths of many. The only entrance to the riverbank lies within the cliffs themselves. To reach the water, one must leap carefully from ledge to ledge. Legend has it that the lake itself contains strong healing magic, and that the waters can cure any illness. Few know the truth behind the stories, for one misstep could have you tumbling to certain death.

Moderator: Reiyn the Kitty

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No New Posts Hunter's Arcadia

Lush grasses cover the only part of the land where the true sunlight shines. Venison and wild fowl are found aplenty here, for it is a breeding grounds for many of the lesser creatures. Many small animals run wild here all year long; the land seems to be untouched by the seasons. The outskirts of the land have also a few small dens, designed so that pregnant females may give birth in unchanging weather no matter the temperature in the outside world. A slow moving creek winds through the fields, providing fresh water for any within. The wolves of the Falling Dusk pack are asked to stay clear of this area unless they are on the hunt, settling into one of the birthing caverns, or visiting the healer, so as to allow the game to return.

Moderator: Reiyn the Kitty

Sub-boards: The Healer's Sanctum, Birthing Hollow, The Venery

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Painted Devils Wolf Pack

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No New Posts Painted Devils

The main land for this territory, a forest no less, is quite spooky to be at- especially at night. The previous Alpha was very much so the murdering type, and wolf corpses are strung up in various places, tails dangling down to the ground, heads tilted at such a position that a wolf, passing beneath the trees that these wolves hang from, can see right into the rolled-back eyes of the dead wolves. Birds hover around the corpses, pecking at their bodies constantly, shrieking shrilly down at all those who pass b'neath them, beady eyes glaring hatefully at any and every other lifeform that exists.

The sunlight from above never pierces the black, burnt leaves of the trees overhead, meaning the ground below is in constant shade; and thus, all plant life has died- little dead shrubs are dotted everywhere, with a wolf's prey often eating these, and sucuumbing to some disease or other- thus, it is a bad idea for a wolf to eat the corpse of an animal that has died when it hasn't been hunting, as these diseases happen straight away, with the deer, rabbit and whatnot dying near-instantly.

In the rich soil beneath one's paws, there are ditches and the likes dotted just about everywhere; craters hiding in the soil, some lined with spikes, some with thorns, others with nothing at all within their depths. Huge holes exist in the soil also; and these almost always are filled, inside, with hunter's traps- so be warned, and take great care not to fall into these holes, for you may not get out again...

Moderator: † Karma †

Sub-boards: Masked Leadership, Dreams des Betas, Subordinate Dens, Faux Hopes

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No New Posts Diaratt Touch

This place is possibly the most magnificent in the entire territory- for it is truly a wonderous sight to behold. This land is a collection of mountains, plains, and meadows- all stretching as far as the eye can see. The Mountains seem to reach all the way up to the skies above, the Plains and Meadows filling any and all gaps between these gigantic objects of such awe-inspiring beauty.

Each of the Mountains is coated in a different substance- one in simple mud, one capped with snow, one smothered in flames, one host to a collection of different-coloured electricity. Each of the mountains poses a unique challenge to whomever tries to climb it- and often, those who try to climb the mountains, never manage to make it back down. The plains and meadows are simple fields of grass, with flowers decorating the entire areas- and with some of the plains and meadows being filled to the brim with flowers of all different colours and kinds- some said to not even be from this planet.

During the day, this place is truly a wonder to behold, with the clouds of the skies seeming to dance around the mountains, casting often-changing shadows upon the fields below. At night, the place is also beautiful- and although no moon can ever be seen, stars always line the sky, with some even occasionally falling down to the world below.

Moderator: † Karma †

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No New Posts Kaerei Illusions

Kaerie Illusions is quite the magnificent place to be at- if you don't mind being in a place that is totally beautiful; and totally placed betwixt the worlds of Dreams and Reality. Kaerei Illusions is a world between two others- a world between this world, and the world of Dreams.

And of Desires. Of Passions.

Of Nightmares. Of Fears. Of Evil.

At one time, this land was lived upon by just one wolf- Kaerei, a wise, old wolf. Others called her the 'Illusion-Weaver' and the 'Dream-Caster', but she didn't mind; for the old female merely used her powers to bring the pleasure of desire into the lives of those living in the realm of Reality. However, when she died, of old age, the evil of this territory managed to seep into this place- tainting it, making it so that not just desires, passions and dreams came to life- but nightmares, fears, and the likes, also.

The place itself is quite a hauntingly beautiful area- for it is a desert, and quite a breathtaking sight at that, too.

During the day, the sun is always high in the sky, the skies a beautiful, luminous blue. There is plenty shade in this boiling-hot area, though; as trees are dotted around in quite a few places, and several dens can be found, dug into the soft, silky sand. All manner of prey roam here- for this place, despite evil's clutches upon it, is still as beautiful as ever, and rabbits and the likes can frequently be found here, often sheltering in the shade of a burrow or tree, or hanging lazily around the lake that, legend has it, Kaerei herself dug out- for the lake is placed around so much shelter, that it is hard to believe nature put it there.

At night, the skies turn a beautiful navy hue, with the sun vanishing, and a gorgeous full-moon rising; for in this place, every night of the month is host to a full-moon, though the moon can only be seen as a full-moon when one leaves the forest and shifts through the beauty of the second area in the territory, before coming to the invisible barrier betwixt the aforeme

Moderator: † Karma †

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Forgotten Feelings Wolf Pack

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Here, is the main lands for the Forgotten Feelings pack. The pack lands resemble the Tundra, for a freezing wind is always present, and during Autumn, Winter, and the beginning of Spring ice and snow cover the lands. Wolves that cannot tolerate the freezing climate tend to stray away from these lands, so it is cautioned that if you wished to join this pack, you’d better be able to handle the below zero climate.

The center of the territory is proven to be the coldest. The Alphess of this land is constantly found in this area, curled up in her little haven. In the ‘Sub-Zero Circle', as most call it, snow seems to always cover the grounds, and the eerie, chilling wind is always blowing over, and is able to make even the largest, most bulky wolf shiver.

In the North, is the Alpha den, and in the South, is the Beta Den. The Alpha Den hidden in a stone cliff, and hidden behind a few trees. Only a trained eye would be able to see the small hole that leads to the Alpha Den.

The Beta Den is similar to the Alpha Den. It is covered with trees, but a strange fog always seems to float around this area, which is why most wolves choose not the bother the Beta Pair. Another reason might be the icicles that hang in the opening of the cave. One wrong move, and those dagger sharp icicles will be sent flying down, instantly killing the unlucky wolf that proves to be the target.

On the West side of the pack lands, the Pack Den is found. And in it, a small pile of food is always present, the food supplies for the pack. Each pack member except for pups and elders are expected to help fill this pile up whenever if might run low.

Moderator: Akukei

Sub-boards: Alpha Den, Beta Den, Pack Cavern, Birthing Hole, Sub-Zero Circle

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No New Posts Sagiri River

‘Sagiri’ most nearly means ‘mist’, and Sagiri River matches it’s name so well, it’s almost scary.

Over the river, a thick mist is always present, and the water is icy cold. The width of the river is only about five feet, but if you were to try and look to the other side of the river through the mist, your attempt would be in vain.

That, shows you how thick the mist is.

During Late Autumn and Winter, the river completely freezes over, and the only way to get water is to break the thick ice. Most wolves seek the Alphess to do this for them, though.

But during Summer, a spectacular event takes place at Sagiri River. ‘Divine Split’ is what the event has been dubbed. Because during Summer, a crack starts in the middle of the river, before it follows along to split the whole river in half, making ear ringing sounds while it does this. But when the ice is broken then melted, the river shines with all the colors known to wolves, before it fades into a magnificent blue.

Moderator: Akukei

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No New Posts Ocarina Meadow

Ocarina Meadow is the most beautiful place in the Forgotten Feelings pack lands.

The land is almost always in an abundance of prey, from caribou to pheasants.

During the Spring and Summer, the land is full with long, luscious grass and wild flowers of all the shades of colors you could think off. The area is also littered with large trees that cluster together tightly.

During Autumn and Winter, the grass in covered with a fine blanket of snow, and the wild flowers wither away and is replaced with pure white flowers, flowers that thrive in cold climates. The trees change from green to reds, oranges, and yellows during Autumn, before they finally shed their leaves during winter.

And over the lands, the constant sound of an Ocarina is always present. No wolf has been able to find the reason for it, but the lulling sound proves to be rather relaxing.

Moderator: Akukei

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Haunting Melody Wolf Pack

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-coming soon-

Moderator: Reiyn the Kitty

Sub-boards: Zephyr Hearth, Spiral Cloister, Cache Harbor, Resonance Barren

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Moderator: Reiyn the Kitty

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Moderator: Reiyn the Kitty

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Broken Control Wolf Pack

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Starlit Paths Wolf Pack

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Neutralised Poison Wolf Pack

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